Teen Gifts


Many Christmas assistance programs only serve kids 12 years or younger but My Brother’s Keeper values the whole family, adults and teenagers too.

If you’ve ever wrapped gifts at My Brother’s Keeper, though, you know how hard it can be to find good gifts for teens. Understandably, most supporters think of young children first.

To do a better job, dedicated volunteers are creating a special ‘Teen Section’ in Santa’s Workshop this year. Here’s what we can use to help fill it:

  1. Anything Patriots, Red Sox, or Celtics
  2. Gift cards (Best Buy, iTunes, Target or Wal-mart)
  3. Mp3 players
  4. Hooded sweatshirts
  5. Dorm pants / pajama pants
  6. Body sprays from American Eagle, Hollister, Abercrombie
  7. Art supplies (appropriate for teens)

Please Call Beth Sheehan at 508-238-7512 if you have any questions or additional ideas. Thank you!


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