July 27, 2016


Gospel MT 13:44-46

Jesus said to his disciples:
“The Kingdom of heaven is like a treasure buried in a field,
which a person finds and hides again,
and out of joy goes and sells all that he has and buys that field.
Again, the Kingdom of heaven is like a merchant
searching for fine pearls.
When he finds a pearl of great price,
he goes and sells all that he has and buys it.”
“The Kingdom of heaven is like a treasure buried in a field.”
Who wouldn’t like to find a treasure in a field?  Where would I look to find such a field?
Jesus tell us, “……..the kingdom of God is within you.” (Luke 17:21)
We are the “living field” that contains the Kingdom. To find God and heaven,
I must look within myself.
The “field” of my life contains both treasure and clutter. In order to find the treasure, “the pearl of great price,” I must first clear away the clutter.
It is not difficult to recognize the clutter in my life: selfishness, ego, and pride leave me with a feeling of emptiness and discontent.
When I give my time and effort to ease the burdens of others, I recognize the “pearl of great price,” and my soul is filled with a great sense of joy and closeness to God.
“The souls greatest joy consists in discovering itself, and helping others to achieve the same goal.”      – – Paramahansa Yogananda